
不好意絲 第八話延到20號發表
(其實我好幾天前就偷偷寫在網誌右上的"網誌描述"了...啊請別打臉謝謝 )





beeyowcht (1 月 以前)
The only thing I understand there is NEKO. LOL
if only i could understand it......

mycommentsalwaystrue (1 月 以前)
hey I could learn chinese if I wanted to but its a communist language so...
【血註:他說想學中文但是那是共產語言 XD】

spoonr47 (1 月 以前)
lol this is funny.
【血註:lol=laugh out loud=大笑】

eltraitor (1 月 以前)
【血註:wft=what the fuck=這三小】

teemuruskeepaa (1 月 以前)
Ugh, what a pelato!
【譯】哇咧 這個真是有夠pelato!

mycommentsalwaystrue (1 月 以前)
whats a pelato?

teemuruskeepaa (1 月 以前)
Learn Italian!

mycommentsalwaystrue (1 月 以前)
haaha teemu what kind of gay name is that faggot
【譯】哈哈 提姆是哪們子的鳥名字啊!

teemuruskeepaa (1 月 以前)
Do you feel bad in your head, biatch?
【譯】你頭殼壞去嗎賤人? (戰起來了 XD)

563446827 (1 月 以前)
擦 台湾的还是香港的啊 外国人看不懂瞎吵吵什么 shit你老母个大头啊

Danimalves (1 月 以前)
muito manero
【血註:應該是西班牙話之類的我不會翻 以下還有的話一樣跳過】

kisser37 (1 月 以前)
uhhh, wierd chinesse, or japanesse
【血註:這個人搞不懂這是中文還日文動畫 不過後面搞不清楚這點的還很多 XD】

miyavizim (1 月 以前)
It's all Chinese dipshit, Japanese just stole some Chinese characters and call it Katakana
【譯】全是中文東東,日文只是偷了一些中文字然後稱之漢字 (想戰的樣子)

Luckyluke007 (1 月 以前)
an real sadly fairy tale, but this whit an new fast twist
【譯】是個悲傷的童話 不過這是快速扭曲版

warcry88 (1 月 以前)
que carajos fue eso

vVinicius008 (1 月 以前)
que merda é isso?

thejaider (1 月 以前)
seh que mierda es eso, es mejor comer mierda que ver y escuchar esto

chageling (1 月 以前)
es la niña de los serillos T.T

Spy1228 (1 月 以前)
what the fuck!?!?!?!?!?! O_O

Garunnu (1 月 以前)
what was funny? the matches or the dying after seing some old lady? :S
【譯】是什麼好笑啊?火柴好笑還是看到老太太就死了好笑? XD

jacquijia (1 月 以前)
the tempo makes the clip damn funny

tobewasted (1 月 以前)
it says (from the first match)
wow! big meal! --- oops! it's gone!!
wow! pretty toys! --- oops! it's gone!!
wow! grandma!
-"follow me to the heavens!"(says the
-"well then"
then her spirit flies away
【血註:這位大陸朋友幫我把對話翻譯出來 後來還熱心的幫我的前六話製作英文字幕版!辛苦了!】

alejoo222 (1 月 以前)
wuachiñchon chiwachinchoñ chachumichoñ huachitoñ misallchichon mechamo muchachota
jajajajajaj 請點右下"以高品質觀賞...應該不知道在幹嘛 jajaj ponjas de mierda no pueden hacer las cosas menos complicadas

jyda53 (1 月 以前)
what the fuck was that

Palmcrusher (1 月 以前)
god its like a maplestory cartoon

Shibiz (1 月 以前)
This is a Norwegian story written by H.C. Andersen!
"The girl with the matches".
【譯】這個是H.C.安徒生寫的挪威童話:火柴女孩 啦

monkeyjoe01 (1 月 以前)
ive read this in french

snorkfroken (1 月 以前)
Danish, you moron
【譯】丹麥童話啦 你這白痴

moileplusfort3 (1 月 以前)

razamaer (1 月 以前)
La petite fille aux allumettes!

Rabieskatten002 (1 月 以前)
OMG, cute xD
【血註:OMG=oh my god=老天啊】

PuffyMike (1 月 以前)
ahhh what a nice remake of the fairytale ;( sad one tho

MannyAlex2 (1 月 以前)
whats it sposta be "the match girl"
looks like it but i havent heard the story ina long time
【血註:sposta是suposed to的偷懶縮寫 】

Shimraeen (1 月 以前)
Tht was rather dramatic (the way she jst drops dead)!

fareedbakhit (1 月 以前)
i dont under stand japanes much but i know a few word's so!
i like it try to do another vid for another sad story take remi for an example so pepole can see it funny insted of sad
【譯】我不懂日文 但認得幾個日文字 我喜歡它把一個明明很悲傷的故事弄成好笑的樣子 

devbebegurl (1 月 以前)
XP it was in chinese :P mandarin to be exact haha
honestly..that was just random =( i miss that old story sigh-
【譯】XP這是中文啦 嚴謹一點應該說是普通話(就是由北京話這種標準中文,因為Chinese其實包括廣東話湖南四川等) 

manneke150 (1 月 以前)
i didnt understand but was funny
my only chinese i can write : 与您全部性交!
【譯】我雖然看不懂但還是覺得好笑 我唯一會寫的中文是####### (XD)

klopklop63isthename (1 月 以前)
omfg emo´s o.o she´s emo?

bapo289301 (1 月 以前)

Legumne (1 月 以前)
...what the hell just happend

OmNomTofu (1 月 以前)
Wait, what?
I'm completely lost.

wisemage0 (1 月 以前)
anyone know wtf is going on??
【血註:上面幾個那種反應超多的 很多人看完搞不清處發生了什麼事 XD】

pokefan9000 (1 月 以前)
100th comment :D and what was that???
【譯】我是第一百個留言 還有 那是什麼!?? 

DBW99 (1 月 以前)
Its the lil match girl, who has to sell matchs for her father, but dies doing so and ends up, actually being a crackhead heating some up in a spoon in a twisted ending....
【血註:這個人說小女孩在別的故事其實是嗑藥死的 XD】

siriuskiller23 (1 月 以前)
eu queria tanto entender oq esses bonequinhos estao dizendo ¬¬

AndreasFilius (1 月 以前)
I understood the story because I just knew it. But for whom it is not known, its understanding went hard due to the presentention in a bit. the design is very nice.

【血註:對了我常聽到Selavi 是什麼意思啊?】

Montork (1 月 以前)
a sped up version of the little mach girl

moneasX (1 月 以前)
no entendi ni una wea xD

DebbyeS2 (1 月 以前)
num entedi nadinhaaa...

avrilcool06 (1 月 以前)
ahahahah so cute
junittoxd (1 月 以前)
(eu vo fingi que entendi ) POSAKSOPksop muito massa principalmente a parte q ela fala Toshiematokashi :b~

t1ttt (1 月 以前)
太快了!! = =+

TeMGM (1 月 以前)

bech165 (1 月 以前)
HC Andersen. Yea im from denmark the place he was from ;) Great see he really has gotten know in japan/china/whatever and its not just something people is saying xD
【譯】HC安徒生。嗯我跟他一樣來自丹麥,很高興看他在日本/中國/其他國家也有知名度 而不是只是偶爾有人聊到

orlandomunoz1986 (1 月 以前)
Para quienes no hablan Japonés, la historia se llama: "el fuego de Shiba" - primera historia que sería algo así como un súper cuento de hadas con mucha sangre.

1geekyfloutest (1 月 以前)
omg i didnt understand this but i recegnize the story anywhere.....exept i imagined it diferently lol!!
great video

Decembirth (1 月 以前)
Wow, that was comical and tragic!! xD

KazukiAkimoto1987 (1 月 以前)

ghjkll (1 月 以前)

ehhh que crack, eh

FaisalSalim18 (1 月 以前)
Saa ne?
Wakaranai Desu~

Snorkel00 (1 月 以前)
best movie ever.

ashihtaka (1 月 以前)
You know what you just said makes no fucking sense i'm japanese i can read that.
【譯】你知道嗎你們說的根本不合理 我是日本人我卻看得懂

benjaminL94 (1 月 以前)
becoz it isn't in japanese ._.

MonsteriuM (1 月 以前)
yep.. I believe that was in Chinese ~_~
【譯】是的 我相信這是中文的

AnnabelleCooper13 (1 月 以前)
I think its about a old Christmas story about a abandon girl who spends the night on the winter streets with matches to keep her warm, every one she lights, she sees something good or whatever then she sees her dead grandmother and lights all her remaining matches in in return, she freezes to death. Bacicly this is the comical version of that. At least I think it is...................

ysoserious61 (1 月 以前)
close but thats not exactly what the story is. Your right but you missed a part. At the begiining her father is forcing her to sell matches. She doesn't want to then whatever you said annabellecooper13

AnnabelleCooper13 (1 月 以前)
right, what you said. My friend is int here to translate for me, so I was just taking some words I know and guessing mostly, but thanks!
【血註:有人認真的討論起原作劇情 XD】

RobotHell (1 月 以前)
lol this is strangly interseting

misslichy (1 月 以前)
哇。。能缩成这么短 导演你强

tobewasted (1 月 以前)
i've made a translation(subtitled version) for this video.

lcefantasy (1 月 以前)
LOL her expression are so cute.

magoroker (1 月 以前)
y para saber que dice?¿?¿?¿

dermils (1 月 以前)
it was much sadder when i read it

katherineleegot (1 月 以前)
【血註:我也常聽到外國人(通常是女生)說jajajaja 到底是什麼意思啊】

Mattmeo11 (1 月 以前)
What's the music it rocks,but yes the video is very sad,the english vid. to english people is better manly because i didnt understand a freakin word chibi girl said.Lolz good vid

VinalG4ce (1 月 以前)
0:03 Oh the chibi girl is a beggar selling matches
0:05 I'm your father, go sell matches!
0:06 Does anybody wants to buy matches?(People runs away)
0:09 So fast!
0:10 Nice home
0:11 Nice Food *spin*
0:14 Come hear my matches wishes
0:15 Big feast! not yet
0:17 Toys! Not yet
0:19 Grand Ma!
0:20 Come with me to heaven
0:21 ok*died*

6fencing (1 月 以前)
It was like the little match girl but chinese version it's a really great work here

Kevinchaoness (1 月 以前)
This Reminds me of Tales of Symphonia (Presea) a lil Dx

sapphirenonim08 (1 月 以前)
i can understand!!!!oh yeah...
【譯】我看得懂耶!Oh yeah

holitsuba (1 月 以前)
台灣本土動畫??哈哈 真有創意!!

SsidDha (1 月 以前)
ik hou van spinazie want je krijgt der groene oren van

MewLillyPad (1 月 以前)
I saw the title "Little match girl" in the beginning . . . It took me until I saw it the third time to realize it's the Asian take of the little match girl. -.-;; I'm so sad.

lxiaoxuel (1 月 以前)
anyway is just a comdy i am not sure why so many people taking things so serious. haiz~

vinci0387 (1 月 以前)

liudaxia1 (1 月 以前)

qluss (1 月 以前)
what the fuck just happended!

axelnightmare (1 月 以前)
I know, right?

akira1983x (1 月 以前)
it was like a chinese oliver twist. except she wanted another bowl of won ton

beccasvoice (1 月 以前)
i watched it but i don't
understand the story ..

Ermiau (1 月 以前)
oh iread this story when i was a kid O.o, its about a kid that is trying to sell match in christmas night and she imagines the good things that other ppl have, then she remenbers her grandmother that is death and she died because the cold...

DarkReminense (1 月 以前)
I have no idea what the fuck just happened. xD

daol0200 (1 月 以前)
den lille pige med svovlstikkern(danish)

emerald6227 (1 月 以前)
아 일본 개그 전나 재미없어
이거지금 개그라고 올렸냐
자막도 없어 우웩이다 완전

Vleertouwer (1 月 以前)
hmm, im glad there´s subtitles,, unfortunately I dont speak err,, Asian

Greblegah (1 月 以前)
Brilliant, just... brilliant! It's sooo true!

LmaoItsMartin (1 月 以前)
i didnt understand a word but she speaks like she is a little whore
【譯】我不懂那些話 但她聲音像個小婊子

404newfag404 (1 月 以前)
''pbing zong sting toging senz zing bonigz'' ... wtf asians go back to the nike factory

(噗 偶爾會有上面兩個這種白目 不過在youtube多半會被噓很大)

ureq (1 月 以前)
delightful. What they're saying?
【譯】很有趣啊 不過她們在說什麼?

xFallenStarZ (1 月 以前)
I didn't know what they were saying but it was funny.

oblehthegreat (1 月 以前)
cool animation

NikoSlave (1 月 以前)

minipudde (1 月 以前)
Hans Christian Andersen's - Little girl with the matches! :P Nice made!
i think its made to see it and not to hear it xD

xpiinkangel (1 月 以前)
i didn't understand any of it but from that little pink girl's reaction to what happened around her it made me giggle c(:
【譯】我完全看不懂 不過我看到那個粉紅女孩的反應就讓我忍不住一直笑

moto815 (1 月 以前)
damn this is in mandern
does it comes with contonese?
wut is the name of this cartoon?
【譯】該死這是普通話 有沒有廣東話版本?這個卡通叫什麼?

Stoane81 (1 月 以前)
its japanese dude ;)

milly2130041 (1 月 以前)
it's mandarin in Taiwan

simplesawkey (1 月 以前)
ching chongn bang bang in bummm

plasmasoro (1 月 以前)
what she said? i dont understand nothing T.T

Stoane81 (1 月 以前)
its an easy language^^ joke^^ try to use translaters ;)

squidracerX (1 月 以前)
Oh its Japanese? Oh well i don't speak that EITHER. So that wasn't a big help... i just assumed it was Chinese since like 3 people posted it was.. Either way we should all learn Interlac! (or English hee hee!)

EpicLinn (1 月 以前)
It's not Japanese. P:
【譯】這不是日文啦 :P

KishoTenshi (1 月 以前)
The accents don't sound very Japanese o.o

Lankangirl012 (1 月 以前)
this is chinese not japanese

shotgunwedding199 (1 月 以前)

yesIhateonppl (1 月 以前)
lol chinese ppl are funny

squidracerX (1 月 以前)
Even in China they don't all speak the same Chinese!!.... We all need to learn "Interlac" or just English. (Not a racist thing, just so we can all enjoy each others cartoons! And everyone speaks some English it seems.) (PS- Interlac is from Legion of Super Heroes, whole universe speaks it).
【譯】就算在中國 也不是每個人都說一樣的中文!所以我們要學英文或"Interlac"(不是種族歧視,只是這樣我們就可以好好享受各國的卡通了,畢竟大家都多少會一點英文)(PS.Interlac是美國超級英雄系列卡通裡的一種語言,全宇宙通用)

matadorz4 (1 月 以前)
no entendi ni un carajo pero chida la animacion

Tokiohotelmaniac (1 月 以前)
I don't know how the formal English title of this is..but it's like the Extra mini Version of the story The Girl with the Matches XD..Awesome

nildragon (1 月 以前)
this was so bizarre...

nonameCN326 (1 月 以前)
omg so good..i love it

NalXame (1 月 以前)
super cool :p

jorgeygrecia (1 月 以前)
w-wh-wha....... where am i? What's goin' on?

jorgeygrecia (1 月 以前)
actually now that i got a translation, its a pretty cool vid. Awesome!

PositiveChillout (1 月 以前)
I'm going to have to throw a wtf out there.
【譯】我想我必須丟一個what the fuck出來  XD

Losaru (1 月 以前)
Shortest version of the Little Match Girl I've even seen... XD

PeachSauce91 (1 月 以前)
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDD
【血註:ROFLMAO=roll on floor laugh my ass out笑到在地上打滾連屁股都跑出來】

InsaneMaple (1 月 以前)
this was random O.o

callofstar (1 月 以前)
what the hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maaaaguuuuiiiii (1 月 以前)
no entendi un choto
pero ta weno xd

xxjaxter (1 月 以前)
"Come with me to heaven!"
"Okay" *drop dead*

Kamionikage (1 月 以前)
Chinese people are so funny ^.^

hikaruonline (1 月 以前)
Even though I didn't understand any of that
It was still awesome

eltraitor (1 月 以前)
i know, sane here. i dont understand what the fuck just happend or what they are saying, but yet i still watch it
【譯】我知道 我也一樣 雖然我完全不懂發生了什麼事也不懂他們在說啥 不過我就是忍不住一直看

sasrutolee (1 月 以前)
i think its a match commercial
【譯】我想這是一個火柴的廣告   XD

khyy127 (1 月 以前)
its a little cartoon parody about the famous tale 'the little match girl'

tyuo9980 (1 月 以前)
lol this is so hilarious. in some parts they speak way 2 fast for me 2 understand... i cant read T.T

haoyelian (1 月 以前)

melang1986 (1 月 以前)

120Productions (1 月 以前)
if i knew japanese it whould be more funny

prissxazn (1 月 以前)
if you knew japanese, you'd still be confused... because this isn't japanese.

Midnyx (1 月 以前)
its mandarin lol

banxnetnexus (1 月 以前)
lol yea but too bad its in mandarin chinese :P

goudmol15 (4 週 以前)
it's actually mandarin chinese.
【血註:...又來了 中日文大戰】

denis505 (1 月 以前)
Just no one please say its Japanese or Korean, this is pure Chinese and it rocks ^^
【譯】拜託別要再有人說那是日文韓文了 這是純中文而且超屌

pannikin (1 月 以前)
almost looks like miku hatsune haha

jrlair (1 月 以前)
The Japanese version of the little match girl?

prophetbook (1 月 以前)
its chinese -.-

mangaeva (1 月 以前)
Its chinese. You can tell the difference by looking at the symboles. The Chinese symboles are more complex, building up from more lines - lines are mostly straight - the Japanese symboles are more curved and less complex.

violeteater (1 月 以前)
Well if you say that mangaeva, you're talking about kana. Most kanji comes from chinese characters and most are the same or changed a little.

oukami01 (1 月 以前)
right. the difference in written language becomes obvious because of the hiragana since you cannot write a japanese sentence without them

ifrit1780 (1 月 以前)
lol part of hiragana is from china.

【血註:上面演變成漢字vs平片假名的教育課程 XD】

jay520lxy (1 月 以前)

wayne806 (1 月 以前)

11pham11 (1 月 以前)
they did this is prince of tennis chibi family ep,
when echizen and momoko light matches and a can of ponta appears and a pudding

evangel770 (1 月 以前)
GOOD!!!! I like it!!!!

coushi100 (1 月 以前)
to think they could make 'the little match girl' humorous lol

johnnie5777 (1 月 以前)
WTH! But it's funny & I like it! xD IoI

niniazure (1 月 以前)

eliollu (1 月 以前)
Very good and funny video!! I like it!


saraseral (1 月 以前)
lol come to heaven with me XD

voutespancar (1 月 以前)
should've been nominated for short-animation oscar
【譯】這應該被提名奧斯卡短篇動畫 (XD)

pablinichiri (1 月 以前)
veru nice!!!!!!!! jajaja
【血註:看 jajaja又來了】

ALeKZanDoHr (1 月 以前)
awesome its a reall anderson fary tale

v12345c (1 月 以前)
lol fairy tale in less than 30 seconds

eunicep79 (3 週 以前)
Cool rendered version of Hans Christian Anderson's classics


以上是 youtube賣火柴第一話的評論精選





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